Relief from mental illnesses is in the cards – Chicago Daily Herald

When you are depressed, it can feel as if it’s impossible to get out. Good news my mate! Depression is a treatable condition. Here’s another article available for you which i just discovered on the net.

Relief from mental illnesses is in the cardsChicago Daily HeraldBrooks has been receiving treatment at Kenneth Young since 1987 and now is the inventory manager for The Card Project, which has produced 557 different styles of greeting cards, all created by nearly three dozen artists with mental illnesses ……Relief from mental illnesses is in the cards – Chicago Daily Herald

Wishing I made your pursuit and scanning meaningful. You could refer to the other similartopics below to find some more posts about depression help. Please leave a opinion if you have any.

These are some a lot more articles on the topic of art therapy for depression

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